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Milena Olesinska
Poland Szczecin ul.Koszarowa 5
Santander 25 1090 2590 0000 0001 2347 4824
Richard Spasoff
California- Las Vegas based creative Visionary Artist and Angelic Intuitive Richard Spasoff is an award-winning fine art photographer and accomplished contemporary artist. His strikingly innovative and exuberant style translates what he sees into abstract images and figures leading us gently into his dream world with a well harmonized bold celebration of color. A self-taught artist, Richard began his artistic career at an early age. Richard’s photographs are featured in a national publication on healing arts, and he has held one-man art gallery shows in La Jolla, Las Vegas, as well as in Mexico.
California- Las Vegas based creative Visionary Artist and Angelic Intuitive Richard Spasoff is an award-winning fine art photographer and accomplished contemporary artist. His strikingly innovative and exuberant style translates what he sees into abstract images and figures leading us gently into his dream world with a well harmonized bold celebration of color. A self-taught artist, Richard began his artistic career at an early age. Richard’s photographs are featured in a national publication on healing arts, and he has held one-man art gallery shows in La Jolla, Las Vegas, as well as in Mexico.

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