Photo banner

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You can choose from three time options for your advert: 14,30 and 60 days are available.
State clearly in the subject of an e-mail "Photo Banner Exposition Art Blog". This information also must be included in your bank transfer notes.
1. Sorry, JPEG or PNG formats only.
2. Web address might not extend 70 characters
3. Adding links to prohibited websites or those containing unlawful, pornographic, promoting hatred, terrorism, etc contents is not allowed
4. 14 days - 25 USD
5. 30 days - 48 USD
6. 60 days - 70 USD
7. . Once payment is being processed, your hyperlink will be published on our service site. We will confirm beginning and an end of publication period by separate e mail notifications.
Payment by bank transfer should be made to the bank details below stating that
Text Advertising

My e-mail address :
Link title,Description.Hyperlink to your website.
You can choose from three time options for your advert: 14,30 and 60 days are available.
State clearly in the subject of an e-mail "Textbox Exposition Art Blog". This information also must be included in your bank transfer notes.
1. Textbox will appear on our main site and sub sites of the service.
2. Link title might not extend 30 characters. Content cannot extend 150 characters, web address might not be longer than 70 characters.
3.Sorry, no html format.
4. Adding links to prohibited websites or those containing unlawful, pornographic, promoting hatred, terrorism, etc contents is not allowed.
5. 14,30,60 days of advertising options are available.
6. 14 days - 15,00 USD
7. 30 days - 25,00 USD
8. 60 days - 45,00 USD
9. Once payment is being processed, your box will be published on our service site. We will confirm beginning and an end of publication period by separate e mail notifications.Payment by bank transfer should be made to the bank details below stating that
Box Link

My e-mail address :
Link title
Hyperlink to your website.
You can choose from three time options for your advert: 14,30 and 60 days are available.
State clearly in the subject of an e-mail "Hyperlink Exposition Art Blog". This information also must be included in your bank transfer notes.
1. Hyperlink will appear on our main site and sub sites of the service.
2. Link title might not extend 30 characters. Content cannot extend 100 characters, web address might not be longer than 70 characters.
3 Adding links to prohibited websites or those containing unlawful, pornographic, promoting hatred, terrorism, etc contents is not allowed.
4 14 days - 7,50 USD
5. 30 days - 12,50 USD
6. 60 days - 20,00 USD
7. Once payment is being processed, your hyperlink will be published on our service site. We will confirm beginning and an end of publication period by separate e mail notifications.
Payment by bank transfer should be made to the bank details below stating that
Milena Olesinska
Poland Szczecin ul.Koszarowa 5
Bank Account : WBK PP L PP
Santander 25 1090 2590 0000 0001 2347 4824
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