Exposition Art Blog: Frank Savage

Frank Savage

I am a London based artist/musician/engineer/ sculptor/writer/designer.
I love the work of Jean Miro / Picasso and all the greats also i love the works of the undiscovered lone artist, where there are untold gems of excellence to be found in every way. The joy of discovering a new artist is a great joy as they become a new focus of wonder and search.
Here are some of my efforts in pencil and stone. i am sure i was the first to use Celcom blocks back in the 70's and give them a real aesthetic and financial value. since then the medium has become popular kind of though i must add the medium is dangerous and carcinogenic if worked on without the proper masks and tools, tools and breathing devices i have developed myself over the years that should be employed should one decide to use them for any work.

Moment when Love meets Death~ pencils by Frank Savage on A2 Canston Bristol 180 pound paper.
I have attempted to explore again, the moment following life, here Death is holding the savior, Christ, in her mysterious arms and surrounded by three figures the imp, the feminine, and the demon suggesting all is within the circle of life and heaven,
Death is beckoning a final message with the pointed forefinger that is echoed from the Christ's right hand and back at the observer...
I am waiting through him

Crucifixion and moment after "loving" Death~..mixed media Indian ink on A1 dahler board
I am  attempting to capture the transition between life and death! A strange category indeed, but i can assure you it is not a conscious effort, but a feeling i just have to follow..The questions it raises are more interesting, can and DO we love death when we enter its realm? How ridiculous life would be if the only purpose was to work toward a financiaL stability
Here, again, i have employed the Crucifixion as a vehicle to depict that moment AFTER life, asking the question, will we LOVE death when it approaches?
There is no soul, your a soul with a body

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