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Milena Olesinska
Poland Szczecin ul.Koszarowa 5
Santander 25 1090 2590 0000 0001 2347 4824

The tradition of collecting works of art in Szczecin dates back as far as to the 16th century. Phillip II, who ruled in first decades of the 17th century, a great humanist and expert, was widely known keen collector of art, broadly educated, among others, during his travels to Copenhagen, Wolffenbüttel and – for nearly two years – to Italy. During his reign, the most important arworks – both collected by his predecessors and his own purchases – became a basis for a Kunstkammer in Szczecin castle, placed in a special wing of principal residence built in 1616-1619 (nowadays the Mint Wing of Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle Szczecin). The program of the Kunstkammer had been created in 1615 by a famous German humanist Phillip Hainhoffer of Augsburg, who since 1610 supported the duke with advise at artworks purchases and artistic commissions, influencing the ruler’s collecting policy. After the dynasty of Griffins had come to the end, the collection was, however, dispersed.....
Created on August 1st 1945, Polish City Museum in Szczecin took over the remains of former German museums' collections, in subsequent years enriched with new acquisitions. In the Autumn 1947 the Museum became a district unit and as the Museum of Western Pomerania it took charge of other Western-Pomeranian museums. In 1970, owing to its prestige and nationwide importance of its collection, it obtained the rank of the National Museum. In 1970s the National Museum gained two new buildings: the Old City Hall (The Szczecin’s History Museum, Branch of the National Museum in Szczecin) and former Szczecin stronghold garrison headquarters, nowadays the Contemporary Art Museum, Branch of the National Museum in Szczecin.
Presently, The National Museum in Szczecin is the greatest cultural institution in Western-Pomeranian Voivodeship – a classical multi-department museum housing over 150 thousand exhibitis, including old and contemporary artworks, archaeological, maritime and ethnographical relics, as well, as precious numismatics. The Szczecin’s Museum has the largest collection of non-European material culture relics (Africa, America, Oceania) in Poland. The Museum, focusing mainly on Pomerania and the Baltic Sea, co-creates regional and national identity of Western Pomerania."(
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