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Milena Olesinska
Poland Szczecin ul.Koszarowa 5
Santander 25 1090 2590 0000 0001 2347 4824
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Michel Mandurino
Italian contemporary artist.
"My works are based on magic, esoterism and oniric vision. I like the pre-christian art and the old gods representation. Now i'm focused on drawing and painting the esoteric world of the western culture."

Karim Loberg
"My works are mainly inspired by dreams
and are attempts at portraying parts of the self."(Karim Loberg)
Facebook / Instagram
Shota Voskanyan
Shota Voskanyan is an Armenian artist.1982–1987 Shota Voskanyan studied at the Moscow University of Arts. Since 1995 Shota Voskanyan is a Member of the Union of Artists of Armenia.His works are exhibited in National Gallery of Armenia, Artsakh museums, in Arame Art Gallery, Yerevan.
Danguolė Šerstinskaja
Danguole is a lithuanian artist and a professional dog breeder. She has been engaged with animals for multiple decades and it is her natural interest in the anatomical and psychological aspects of animals that has given her motivation to become an experienced animal artist within the field of realism.

Rytis Minkevičius
I'm Rytis Minkevicius from a beautiful country Lithuania. I've been drawing since I was child. I love to work in surrealist style. In my paintings I want to show the world through the subconcious mind and dreams. My favorite medium is oil on canvas.

Albrecht Behmel
"I call this style “The Magic of the Swarms” or “Abstrahism”, which is a term I invented to express this mix of abstract forms stemming from real-world shapes, just like a shadow abstractly represents a 3D body on a 2D surface. Something is lost, something is won. Abstrahism is about the connectedness of all beings however different they may seem - like in a kaleidoscope .."

My paintings are visual depictions of the connections between my
soul and the world I live in. They are messages from deep within.
The imagery in my paintings comes from an innate sense of
connection to nature, my empathic response to our environment and
fellow beings, and my animist worldview.I am fascinated with symbolism and use symbols to convey story& meaning in my art.I paint in layers, slowly bringing order and sense to the taleunfolding on my canvas.
Ellie Lasthiotaki
Dear friends. I am professional artist with many years of experience. I would like to offer you unique opportunity of having a painting, made according to your individual wishes. Oils, watercolours, graphics, portraits or decorative motives, small or large- your involvement in creating of art will make your interiors very special. To ensure highest standard and unique nature of my art,
I use only traditional techniques and methods.
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