Exposition Art Blog: Zdzisław Salaburski - Tashism - Polish Abstract Painting

Zdzisław Salaburski - Tashism - Polish Abstract Painting


 Zdzisław Salaburski (1922-2006)
Actor and painter. Initially, he played in the Pomorska Land Theater in Toruń. In 1947 he performed at the Polish Army Theater in Łódź. He spent the years 1948-55 in Poznań, where he played in the Polish and New Theaters. In 1956 he was an actor at the Stary Theater in Krakow. From 1957, he performed in Warsaw theaters: the People's and the National. Apart from acting, he painted. He created paintings under the sign of informel art - called in Poland Tashism or painting of matter. He exhibited them many times, they were highly appreciated.


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