Painting always has been my passion. Since I was a young child I loved drawing. Crayons, paper and pencils were my most beloved companions as long as I can remember. Today more often I choose oil paint and canvas. My art is not only my biggest pleasure but also profession. I help people to make their homes and work places unique and individual or wish to have image of their loved ones.Some people think that original picture or drawing makes great and unusual gift. Only one in the entire universe, as their are no two identical paintings
in the world
Milena Olesinska
Poland Szczecin
Bank Account : WBK PP L PP
Santander Bank S.A 25 1090 2590 0000 0001 2347 4824
Contact : +48 601 698 355
e-mail :
My Website
Oil painting canvas 125cm x 90cm / July 2022
Marilyn Monroe - a copy of the paintingoil painting on canvas 2022
Portrait - oil artwork - february 2022
Abstract Composition No.2 Oil painting on canvas 100cm x 70cm August 2021 - SOLD
Przedstawiam Państwu
mój najnowszy obraz surrealistyczny Kobieta z Kotem. Obraz o wymiarach
100cm x 70cm namalowany w Lipcu 2021 roku. Forma przedstawianych
postaci, ich odrealnienie nawiązują do pierwszego manifestu w którym to
założyciele ruchu - artyści starali się
wykreować obrazy burzące logiczny porządek rzeczywistości. Często były
to wizje groteskowe, z pogranicza jawy,
snu, fantazji, halucynacji, a odsunięte od racjonalizmu.Obrazowanie
surrealistyczne cechuje burzenie logicznego porządku rzeczywistości,
kojarzenie elementów przez przypadek, inspiracja marzeniami sennymi,
sztuką dzieci itp. Surrealizm był zawsze w awangardzie artystycznej i
intelektualnej i wierzę, że taki pozostał
Zapraszam na moją stronę internetową
Oil painting on canvas 100cm x 70cm / July 2021
New version - Wild Flowers - Camomiles,Poppies,Lupine
oil paintings on canvas 40cm 30cm
Living Room Wall Art Ideas
Even the most modern and thoughtful interior will not look fully harmonious without wall decoration. A beautiful renovation of the apartment, expensive furniture, high-quality textiles, figurines - all this is the basis of the living room. But if the walls remain bare, even in the most beautiful interior you will feel uncomfortable. So, in addition to furniture and decor, it is important to choose paintings in the living room in order to achieve maximum unity of style and harmony.
Dear friends. I am professional artist with many years of experience. I would like to offer you unique opportunity of having a painting, made according to your individual wishes. Oils, watercolours, graphics, portraits or decorative motives, small or large- your involvement in creating of art will make your interiors very special. To ensure highest standard and unique nature of my art,
I use only traditional techniques and methods.
New works
Flowers - oil on canvas 40cm x 30cm - SOLD
Flowers - oil on canvas 40cm x 30cm - SOLD
Flowers - oil on canvas 40cm x 30cm - SOLD
Oil painting on canvas 70cm x 50cm / November 2020
Oil painting on canvas /2020
Charging Bull, sometimes referred to as the Wall Street Bull or the Bowling Green Bull, is a bronze sculpture that stands on Broadway just north of Bowling Green in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City.
Oil painting on canvas 100cm x 70cm / October 2020
Portrait - oil on canvas 70cm x 50cm - September 2020
Oil on canvas 70cm x 50cm - september 2020
Copy of an oil painting by Renaty Domagalskiej / 2020 |
Oil on canvas 70cm x 50cm / 2020 |
Oil on canvas 70cm x 50cm / 2020 |
Oil on canvas 70cm x 50cm |
Portrait of a young woman
Drawing on paper - pastels
art refers to surrealism, in a broad sense, Broad, because I have
excluded typical surrealistic landscape and reached to the simplified
image, to the form of the poster. Unraveling leading ideas in my
paintings allows me to communicate freely with recipients and to
guide them trough symbolic reality of my art.
Oil on canvas |
Oil painting 70cm x 50cm |
Big Mother - oil painting on canvas 100cm x 70cm |
Vege - oil painting on canvas 100cm x 70cm -510 USD
| | |
Oil painting on canvas 150cm x 100cm |
Pastels |
oil on canvas |
oil on canvas |
Oil painting on canvas 70cm x 50 cm |
Oil painting on canvas |
The elements
Oil paintings 100cm x 70cm - 510 USD
Air |
Water |
Earth |
Oil painting 100cm x 70cm 510 USD |
Oil painting 100cm x 70cm 510 USD |
Oil painting on canvas 70cm x 50 cm |
Oil painting 40cm x 40cm 185 USD |
Oil painting 40cm x 40cm 185 USD |
Oil painting 70cm x 50cm 200 USD |
Oil painting on canvas 70cm x 50 cm |
Pastels |
Pastels |
Pastels |
Pastels |
Pastels |
Pastels |
Pastels |
Pastels |
Pastels |
Pastels |
Pastels |
Pastels |

friends. I am professional artist with many years of experience. I
would like to offer you unique opportunity of having a painting, made
according to your individual wishes. Oils, watercolours, graphics,
portraits or decorative motives, small or large- your involvement in
creating of art will make your interiors very special. To ensure
highest standard and unique nature of my art,
use only traditional techniques and methods.
Oil painting 100cm x 100cm
Oil painting 100cm x 100cm
Oil painting on canvas - Abstraction 100 cm x 100. November 2018
Painted on order based on the work of Łukasz Stokowski |
oil painting on canvas 70cm x 50cm -2019 |
oil painting on canvas 70cm x 50cm -2019 |
oil painting on canvas 70cm x 50cm -2019 |
oil painting on canvas 70cm x 50cm -2019 |
oil painting
Musashi Miyamoto (copy) Oil painting 90cm x 60cm |
Oil painting on canvas |
Oil painting on canvas |
atwork, oil on canvas |
Copy of an oil painting by Okrassa Marek 140cm x 120cm |
Oil painting 80cm x 70cm |
Oil painting
Oil painting 120cm x 80cm |
Oil painting 100cm x 60cm |
watercolor |
Portrait oil painting 70cm x 50cm |
Portrait oil paintingon canvas |
Portrait oil paintingon canvas |
Portrait oil paintingon canvas |
Oil painting 50cm x 60cm |
drawing |
pastels |
pastels |
drawing |
Art decor
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven.
John Milton, Paradise Lost
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