
Ehigbai Michael Ozoya

Ehigbai Michael Ozoya is a mixed media Nigerian based fine artist that has a huge flair for drawing, inspired by nature and every day circumstances which are untold stories undocumented. Ehigbai works with charcoal, pastel,oil, acrylic and models with clay employing a semi realistic and geometric patterns approach, using the effect of extreme light and dark (chiaroscuro) to connotes emphasis on his work of art.
1. Priceless jewel: an art work celebrating the traditional ceremonial dressing of Bini women, charcoal and pastel.
2. Virago, the brave look of a determined woman, charcoal and pastel.
3. One amongst many, it used to be availability of water and food that made people settle in a place but the world today, its the economic value of a place that draws settlement to it, oil colour
4. Shades of womanhood, the artwork shows the dark, bright and colourful side of a woman, charcoal and oil on canvas.
5. Window to the soul, the unexplained connection of the woman to procreation and beyond, Charcoal and pastel.

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