
Yolande Fievre

Yolande Fievre (1907-83) is a french painter and sculptor, born in Paris the 25th of January 1907 and deceased in Paris in 1982.
Young traveler, Fièvre visited America and will live in Egypt during a few years. Student at Paris Fine-Arts Academy, later teacher at Orleans Fine-Arts Academy, she asserted herself very early as an autodidacte. Jean Paulhan, André Breton, Bernard Requichot, Jean Dubuffet, Raymond Queneau were her friends.
Fièvre began passionated researches and passionating experiments on material, often organic, giving a strange aspect to her reliefs. We could be in a fantastic and lunar world.
These reliefs are collages, or rather assemblies, where the objects are part of a mise-en-scene, some boxes-objects, or some kind of quite special reliquaries.


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