
Davyd Whaley

Davyd Whaley was born on December 6, 1967 and died on October 14, 2014. He was a resident artist at the Santa Fe Artist Colony in downtown Los Angeles, a member of the Los Angeles Art Association, and had previously worked for 20 years as an electrical engineer.  He was admired and deeply loved by his colleagues, his friends, and his spouse, television director Norman Buckley.
His time was split between being a full-time studio artist and teaching classes to the underprivileged in East LA. For the latter he was awarded 2012 Volunteer of the Year by the City Council of Los Angeles. Davyd Whaley was primarily self-taught, but studied painting at UCLA and also with Ronnie Landfield and Larry Poons at the Art Students League of New York.(

To create a thing of beauty that can comfort or inspire others, Davyd believed was his highest calling. The genesis of his art comes from nature and its surroundings, but also of his dreams and the subconscious. He was intrigued by Jungian psychology and his own willingness to understand the unconscious mind through the study of dreams, symbols, art and philosophy. From a technical point of view, Davyd pointed to asymmetric forms and energy and power created by 3-dimensional contrast touch of depth, light and color.(



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